We believe that AEDU communities give HOPE to stabilize an individual’s life. Homelessness affects everyone Globally. Together, we can help thousands of homeless people find Rapid and Permanent housing to build a better life.
We believe that AEDU communities give HOPE to stabilize an individual’s life. Homelessness affects everyone Globally. Together, we can help thousands of homeless people find Rapid and Permanent housing to build a better life.
RisingHope’s mission is to develop and manage high-quality rapid supportive housing communities and provide services to individuals, young adults, seniors, veterans, and families experiencing homelessness. This will help people rise and rebuild their lives, break the cycle of homelessness, and regain their dignity.
Housing First and life-changing programs will help keep residents off the streets — forever. For some, that means continuing to live in rapid supportive communities to ensure they have what they need to thrive. For others, a growing independence means moving into a permanent supportive housing AEDU Unit, eStudio or apartment of their own, opening up units for others who are currently experiencing homelessness.
Providing rapid supportive housing helps people experiencing homelessness do more than get off the streets — it gives people HOPE to rise up and build a better future.
With the right opportunities offered by RisingHope and the partnership of AGS will help gain new employment with living wages so they are more economically secured.
RisingHope is committed to creating new solutions and policies that advance our mission and promote social justice. We work hard to cultivate leadership.
Attending community meetings and events, volunteering, and/or advocating for policy change, residents become active members of our community. Health complications, substance misuse issues, and visits to the hospital are gradually reduced as residents are able to take control of their physical and mental health.
Our Resident Services work with residents in their buildings, to address issues stemming from their experience of homelessness, trauma, and substance use. Individualized service plans detail short and long-term goals, and our staff build relationships that promote trust and collaboration.
Earning an income enables residents to start paying rent each month. With living wages and reliable incomes from a job or through Social Security or General Assistance, people can start to manage their finances independently.
3423 Piedmont Rd NE, Atlanta, GA,30305
Tel: (678) 278-9557
HOPE Community Development Corporation is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
HOPE Property Management Corporation
HOPE Housing Corporation
HOPE© 2024. All Rights Reserved